Jan of Poland I never copy someone else's patterns and I never repeat them. boris 17
Ankars This website is devoted to handworks. boris 20
SCA Lace - SCA Lacemaker's Mailing List It is to discuss all topics relating to making lace during the Middle Ages. boris 21
Lone Star Lacers Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the art of handmade lacemaking. boris 20
OIDFA The world-wide lace organisation that is legally registered in France. boris 62
Arachne's Web Server It is dedicated to the lacemaker's art. Suppliers and other sources of info. boris 30
Lacemaking in Czek One of the first Czech web sites about bobbin laces. Information about hand work boris 20
Canadian Lacemaker Gazette An independent publication served by a volunteer editorial board. boris 20
Lace.cz A site for a hand-made bobbin lace. Lace patterns. boris 24
Jean's Lace Definitions Beadwork necklaces, runners, doylies and other craft work. boris 18
Bobbinlace Chat Group Anything related to the craft of making bobbin lace. boris 17
Brenda Paternoster Instructions for making paper bobbins and other lacemaking information. boris 18
Needlelace Club Needlelace lacemaking. Needle tatting, Irish crochet lace, lace costuming, etc. boris 12
Brenda's Lace Lace for Sale, Bibliography of Lacemaking Books, and much more. boris 17
Avital's Fibers Floral Torchon Bookmark, Armenian Needlelace, Hairpin Lace, and more. boris 18
Dreams of Lace This site is intended for Lace and Embroidery lovers. boris 12
Lacemakers of Calais Our members are descendants of English Lacemakers. boris 15
Lace Exhibitions Collection 'Orecchini Chiacchierino' with pictures of tatting earrings. boris 15
La Dentelles The national & international demonstrations, the classes in lines, the reports. boris 15
Digital Archive of Documents This site is home for an archive of documents on weaving and related material. boris 12
Knit Knacks Owner of the Free Knitting Patterns Netring. Free shoulder bag pattern. boris 13
Fiber Link: Knitting Patterns Free knitting patterns available online. Baby Items, and more. boris 18
Barbie/Fashion Doll Patterns Fashion Doll Clothes and Links. Original Barbie Knit Patterns. boris 17
Knittinggeek.com Make a Shawl, Make Socks, Invent a Baby Blanket. More. boris 15
Yarn Lover's Room Knitting, Crochet, Antique Knitting, Antique Crochet, Catolog, and more. boris 15
jessica's free knitting patterns and mot Free knitting patterns, crochet flower, fair isle, winnie the pooh, and more. boris 36
Baby Patterns 100's of Free crochet and knit patterns for home and charity. boris 26
Web Generated Knitting Patterns My web site is about designing your own patterns to fit you! boris 16
p2 designs - charity patterns For the Whole Family, For Afghans and Throws, Babies & Toddlers. boris 18
Bev's Country Cottage The ultimate Charity Crafting website. Free Patterns for premature babies. boris 26
Knitting Pattern Central Beginner Knitting Instructions. Tips, Tricks, Testimonials, Links and More! boris 60
Knitting-and.com Kids Knit! All patterns are in PDF format. boris 14
Knitting Pattern Index All the patterns have been tested by our knitters. boris 17
LasVegasKnitters We are a casual knitting group who formally meet twice monthly. boris 18
GMKG Greater Milwaukee Knitting Guild This group is open to anyone interested in knitting at any level. boris 14
Madison Knitters' Guild The purpose is to promote interest, appreciation and skill in knitting. boris 24
Northcoast Knitting Guild It is a knitting organization of Northeast Ohio. boris 22
KnitchKnitters A TKGA-affiliated knitting guild in Blacksburg, VA. boris 12
Houston Knit at Night Guild The guild includes both hand and machine knitters. boris 14
Seattle Knitters' Guild Current and Upcoming Events, Opportunities for Charity Knitting and more. boris 18
Windy City Knitting Guild Upcoming Events, Knitting Shops, Show & Share. boris 42
The Knitting Guild Association A non-profit organization dedicated solely to knitting and knitters. boris 19
Binky Patrol Comforting Covers for Kids We make blankets and give them away to children and teens in need of comfort. boris 15
YARN Magazine Australia's new magazine about knitting and more. boris 20
Knit Simple Magazine Our Fall issue is packed with the fashions you want right now. boris 27
The Daily Knitter An on-line knitting resource offering free knitting patterns, knitting basics. boris 18
Knitter's Review A free weekly online knitting magazine dedicated to yarn, from source to skein. boris 55
Vogue Knitting Crocheted Bags, Shawls, Cables, and more. boris 74
Knitty A free web-only knitting magazine with a sense of humor. Fun patterns, and more. boris 16
The Bivens Information of our family, pets, Machine Knitting, Weaving and other hobbies. boris 14