Jan of Poland I never copy someone else's patterns and I never repeat them. boris 16
Ankars This website is devoted to handworks. boris 21
SCA Lace - SCA Lacemaker's Mailing List It is to discuss all topics relating to making lace during the Middle Ages. boris 20
Lone Star Lacers Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the art of handmade lacemaking. boris 20
OIDFA The world-wide lace organisation that is legally registered in France. boris 59
Arachne's Web Server It is dedicated to the lacemaker's art. Suppliers and other sources of info. boris 30
Lacemaking in Czek One of the first Czech web sites about bobbin laces. Information about hand work boris 19
Canadian Lacemaker Gazette An independent publication served by a volunteer editorial board. boris 21
Lace.cz A site for a hand-made bobbin lace. Lace patterns. boris 22
Jean's Lace Definitions Beadwork necklaces, runners, doylies and other craft work. boris 17