Windy City Knitting Guild Upcoming Events, Knitting Shops, Show & Share. boris 36
Madison Knitters' Guild The purpose is to promote interest, appreciation and skill in knitting. boris 26
Seattle Knitters' Guild Current and Upcoming Events, Opportunities for Charity Knitting and more. boris 21
Northcoast Knitting Guild It is a knitting organization of Northeast Ohio. boris 15
The Knitting Guild Association A non-profit organization dedicated solely to knitting and knitters. boris 14
KnitchKnitters A TKGA-affiliated knitting guild in Blacksburg, VA. boris 12
LasVegasKnitters We are a casual knitting group who formally meet twice monthly. boris 12
Binky Patrol Comforting Covers for Kids We make blankets and give them away to children and teens in need of comfort. boris 10
Houston Knit at Night Guild The guild includes both hand and machine knitters. boris 10
GMKG Greater Milwaukee Knitting Guild This group is open to anyone interested in knitting at any level. boris 9