Anime Detour This is a convention run by fans for fans. boris 63
JAFAX 11 The Japanese Animation, Film, and Art Expo. boris 50
Tekkoshocon The Steel City's Anime and Japanese Culture Convention. boris 43
Anime Boston New England's largest Japanese animation convention. boris 37
Anime North Canada's premier fan run Anime convention. boris 37
| The largest annual Japanese animation and culture festival of the Netherlands. boris 23
Anime Mid-Atlantic An annual Japanese animation convention held each year in Richmond Virginia. boris 18
Kawaii Kon Hawaii's Own Anime Convention and Conference. boris 16
Fanime Con The San Francisco Bay Area's biggest anime convention. boris 14
AnimeNext New York area anime convention. Anime, manga, anime expo, and more. boris 13
ConnectiCon It is the largest multi-genre convention in New England. boris 13
Anime Evolution An annual three-day event celebrating Japanese animation & Asian popular culture boris 13
Anime Oasis Information about Idaho's unique anime convention, Anime Oasis. boris 13
Tokonatsu A Manga and Anime Festival & Convention with camping, cosplay and events. boris 13
Anime USA A celebration of Japanese culture through anime and other related activities. boris 11
AyaCon Catch the wave of anime. UK Anime & Manga Convention. Links and Forums. boris 11
Kosaikon The New Philadelphia-Area Anime Convention. boris 11
Anime Central The Midwest Anime and Manga Convention. boris 10
Auchinawa Auchinawa is a 4 day anime fandom convention based in Glasgow, Scotland. boris 10
NomiCon All your information regarding the upcoming convention in Bradford. boris 10
Manifest Learn about the technical aspects of anime production and fan-works. boris 9
Sakura Con Japanese animation (anime), Japanese Comics (manga), and video gaming. boris 8
Animazement We are getting things ready for our next convention. boris 8