Bishnupriya Manipuri Language Information about Dialects, Sources, Vocabulary of Bishnupriya Manipuri and more boris 40
Ukindia Learn to Read Bengali Bengali is a very poetic and popular language of the subcontinent. boris 27
Transparent Language It offers easy translator, proficiency tests and more. boris 20
Bangla / Bengali Resources You can find Text Books & Tapes, Essential Everyday Bengali and Bengali Script. boris 15
WTB Language Group it offers translation, interpreting, typesetting and cultural appropriateness. boris 13
BBC Bengali offering news for Singapore and the Bengali language boris 11
BANGALINET information about the rich heritage and culture of Bengal, literature, etc... boris 11
Boston Language Institute You can find grammar, oral expression, and listening comprehension... boris 11
Zappmedia Communications We employ native speakers, commercials and Web sites. boris 10